Saturday, June 27, 2020

We The People vs You Them People

We are currently in a CATATONIC state of EXISTENCE in this cruel world. Daily we are enthralled in 100 of millions of reasons to slap ourselves in the middle of our foreheads in awe or in disbelief of what has gone viral or what has been revealed about something happening in the moment. Between the worldwide unifying love and support shown for the Black Lives Matter movement to the horrid realities of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic we are overwhelmed and our sensibilities fractured. 

You literally have to be living under a rock in the middle of complete technology desolation to be unaware of the happenstances infecting this WORLD!!! Every waking moment there is breaking news that seemingly requires our immediate attention or rapid response to spring into action. We are not only tethered to only our TV screens, but we are simultaneously tethered to all the other screens in our possession. Whether you get your source of information from the television, the computer, or your phone it is LIMITLESS!!! Even more than this we are not VOID of bloggers, vloggers, news syndicates, real news, fake news, live news, etc., all with competent and/or incompetent persons at the helm of each giving us hourly doses of such!  

Two of my favorite sources of infotainment  are the Breakfast Club  featuring DJ Envy (@djenvy), Angela Yee (@angelayee), and Charlamagne tha God (@cthagod) and the Rickey Smiley Morning Show featuring @Rickey Smiley@GaryWDTea@Headkrack@SoSoBrat@Special K@Rock-T@Eva Marcille, and @JahLion. Both shows specialize in giving you the hard hitting news, facts, and relevant information all riddled with humor, music, and entertainment.  @Cthagod  infamous Florida rants are always a source of levity. If you do a quick google search of the recent Floridian mask wearing protests it will yield over 46+ million results. Although his rants make you laugh these protests are far from a laughing matter.

I watched a video clip Now This News posted to Facebook regarding the Florida protests over wearing masks. I wondered to myself what I was watching and did the people vehemently protesting wearing masks take into consideration the HOLISTIC message they were sending to those watching. I wondered as each person took to the mic to get their "SAY SO" did they even consider who their words would really be INFECTING (yes... I  mean INFECTING)? Did they understand the residue that would be attached to them because of them? Or had they even read any of the other printed "PAPERS" of power and authority before they read from their fragmented speeches in their phones or scribbled out on tattered pieces of paper?

Here are my thoughts on the motion to detract or distract from the MOVEMENT of healing this world from RACISM, RACIST, and the RONA! In particular this penned prose is regarding the conglomerate of similar moves and the videos circling the VIRAL wagons doing more harm than help. In America no in these United States of America when there is a movement to right the wrongs of an oppressed and marginalized people there comes a COVERT mission to distract from the  momentum of that movement. 

The error in communication from this motion of protesting wearing masks is flawed and completely VISCERAL.

1) The TRUTH is there will always be some governmental INEFFICIENCY and OVER SITE  in mandating, regulating, and enacting laws, rules, policies and procedures on behalf of "WE THE PEOPLE". However your inalienable right to be "FREE" should not come at the hands of ignoring the potential of disbursing a lethal virus on yourself or others because  "YOU THEM PEOPLE" who feel infringed upon (for simply being asked to wear a mask).

2) The bible is the most quoted "BOOK of BOOKS" in the history of publishing books in this world. It is equally the most MISINTERPRETED and MISREPRESENTED set of BOOKS within the same history. Unleashing You Version 2.0 does nothing for those listening to your grievances whom are not sworn to take your account of the accounting into consideration for the work they are to do on behalf "YOU THEM PEOPLE"!

3) The mysteriousness which surrounds the Corona Viruses in particular the pandemic of COVID-19 is undisputed and nondiscriminatory. It has left no parts of this ENTIRE ROCK untouched. What are more heartbreaking is the stupefying  statistics in regards to the HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of deaths attributed to this mystery.  Identically in stupefying UNKNOWNS is the MILLIONS of people who contracted the COVID-19! Rationalizing is a reality lost to  STATISTICS because this mystery of COVID-19 has a battle cry riddled which is NUMBERS!!!

4) THERE IS NO SYMMETRY in your RIGHT to potentially DISBURSE this virus because you want to HOARD your BELIEFS that "YOU THEM PEOPLE" are the spokespersons for GOD, the BIBLE, and the INALIENABLE RIGHTS for "WE THE PEOPLE" who are complying out of caution for what is and still remains UNEXPLAINED the far reaches of this PANDEMIC!  Unilaterally most people do not want to wear a mask either but why take the chance! Granny said it like this an ounce of prevention is worth more than a pound of cure. Furthermore no one is saying all that has been revealed is true however in the page flipping and conspiracy sharing explain these NUMBERS we are witnessing SOARING RAPIDLY daily WORLDWIDE!

5) Lastly being in the NOW so you can be in the KNOWN is admirable for it is the MOMENTUM of all things PUBLICIZED under this country's current cultural ebb and flow. It is my solemn prayer that when the roost of your arousal arrives it is not met with the reality of so many during this pandemic having to watch the demise of or recovery of their loved ones from a "SOCIAL DISTANCE"!

The Queen Has Spoken


  ******All sources accessed on June 27, 2020 via their sites.******

Monday, June 22, 2020

Rest Easy Black Cat

They said my brother and I looked just like him. They called us his "twins"; although he has a twin. My dad was waaaaaaaaaaay FAR from a perfect man or a good father but he was my only point of reckoning or understanding for so much of my formative years. His childhood lessons mostly out of madness became part of my adulthood methodology.

My dad was brilliant and equally mad .... he was a mad scientist; an evil genius. A lot of the things he taught my siblings and I were waaaaaaay before their prominent time. Way before Vegan fads were trendy he was showing how to use vegetable products to eat to live. He always told us never live to eat but eat to live. He was a HUGE fan, belief, and avid user of marijuana. He would always say it had medicinal powers and healing agents. He believed in the power of connecting with the earth. He taught us so many VALUABLE LESSONS that have become INVALUABLE MANTRAS.

As a kid you don't know the whole history of your parents parenting skills or parenting lenses. All you know is you either LIKE THEM or DISLIKE THEM! My dad suffered with so much internally and his GREATNESS was lost on his MADNESS!

But despite all of his-STORY he was my DAD and I love him. In my youth I would watch this six foot five inch well chiseled frame of man walk in a room and the women just start swooning over him. His smile drew them in. His hair, his skin, and of course his smell was all part of his allure. With each step he took you could hear the drums of my ancestors playing. In any room or any space he entered he entered as Royalty! He never held his head down. He spoke with strength of many KINGS! My dad was NO soft MAN!

He knew how to party. There was always a REASON to pop fireworks. HIS favorite fireworks were them Blackcats. One time my dad was celebrating and he took my grandma Nannie Bell’s tin tub to turn over them to make the sound louder. He would take them carefully out of the plastic wrapping and string the packs together. Then take a sparkler (my favorite) and light them toppling the tub over them. Once they would start to pop it sounded like any war or shoot out scene from the TV or movies. AND As scared as I, my siblings, and my cousins were from the ELEVATED noise I thought he was so cool to be able to do that! My grandma Nannie Bell didn't and would chase him out her back yard with a frying pan for messing up her tub.

In my dad's latter days ... his chiseled frame could not handle the debilitating effects from his Multiple Sclerosis. He was bed ridden in a nursing home. You would think a giant of man whose walk and talk was a part of his alluring infamy would just wither up and die quietly once bed ridden. NOPE not my dad! Until his death HE WAS STILL IBN. He was STILL JOHN James' twin! He was still just as DEFIANT and BRILLANT!

His defiant brilliance would land him in a hospital bed many times over his latter days in this world. But his last stay at the hospital was not one of them. He was lying in the bed and giving the healthcare staff the blues. I walked in his room and asked everyone to leave out so we could have a very private but very necessary conversation. In our "little" talk we discussed the value of being kind even though he was dying before our eyes. We also discussed his desires for his legacy. My dad was tired; his choices, his illness, and the results of them both collectively had made his life unbearable to live any longer.

In his last breathes on this rock I saw my dad light up to flirt with the hospice staff and smile as he had last "parade" surrounded by a whole female staff and his daughters. His last parade was from one side of the hospice to the other because my dad's legs were to long for the regular hospice beds so the only oversized bed available was on the other side of the hospice. You would have thought he'd been a member of a championship team the way he was smiling. Once in the oversized bed it swallowed him. His frail frame was no match for that ginormous bed but his legs and feet weren't hanging off it like in the other bed.

Once his parade was over and he was now in his "ROOM" he smiled, refused to eat, or drink, and left this world on his own terms. Till his death he was AUTHENTICALLY him! My dad didn’t go lightly or quietly into the night. He left like he came being HIM and being HE who HE was AUTHENTICALLY!  Prepping to send him home in fashion equal to his life proved to be very hard. I drew upon the strengths from the childhood he had given me by going to sit with the elders of my youth Faith families. Although no child is ready to bury or eulogize their parents I was now prepared to do so. As I was standing behind the book board giving his eulogy I looked out over all in attendance and smiled through my tears knowing he was now in a better place.  

The title of his eulogy was “What Will They Think If I Just Lay Here?” My dad never just laid or sat anywhere. He was methodical, he was brilliant, he was mad, and he was HIM! I miss my dad. Today is his Heavenly birthday! I wished my children could have gotten to know my dad and many others of my family that are now resting in glory. However that’s not the hand they were dealt.  But as the chips have fell and seeds spread out I stand tall in the legacy of the good seeds my dad planted. He, his twin my Uncle James, my Uncle Cleveland, and my Uncle Larry all share the same the birthday and they are all in Heaven. We will see them again but until I walk in the legacy and heritage of them all. Rest in loving power daddy and my uncles!